Enko Systems is proud to be an EST Strategic Partner. Our status allows us to offer our customers the most flexible, versatile, reliable, and cost-effective life safety systems available today. Our flagship offering, the EST3 by EST, is one of the most robust and powerful systems in the industry.
The EST3
From the smallest structures to the largest high rises, the EST3 is trusted to provide superior protection to life and property. By utilizing a resilient peer-to-peer network structure, the EST3 is designed to endure raging fires and other catastrophes by allocating communication responsibility among all its nodes, ensuring that system-wide functions will not be affected by isolated equipment failures.
The EST3 is designed to protect structures of any size. A single EST3 system supports up to 64 nodes per system, and each node supports up to 2,500 devices. This yields a total of 160 thousand possible devices per system. Its fast alarm time alerts building occupants within moments of an emergency, and its eight channels of multiplexed audio ensure that firefighters, emergency response personnel, and building occupants can all easily keep in touch in the event of an emergency.
Simply put, the EST3 is head and shoulders above the competition. Enko Systems is a such a firm believer in this life safety platform, it is the system that protects our own San Bernardino office and warehouse. To learn more about the EST3 and how it can integrate with security and CCTV systems, contact us today.